Privacy Policy
Does this web site use cookies to keep track of my information?
This web site uses cookies only for the duration of the browser session (session cookies).
What types of information does this web site collect?
This web site collects the following types of information: Information about the user's computer system, such as IP address, web browser type, and operating system. Web pages visited, click stream data, and other navigation information.
What types of information does this web site collect with explicit consent?
If the user chooses, this web site may collect the following types of information: Internet contact information such as email addresses. Traditional contact information such as postal address, phone and fax numbers. Order information, possibly including banking or credit card details.
Who will receive the information?
The information will be shared only with our internal staff. The information will remain confidential and not be sold or leased to third-parties.
How long will the information be kept?
The information may be kept indefinitely.
Can I review or change my personal information?
For further information, or to review, change or remove your personal information, please contact us.