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JClass Desktop

JClass ServerViews

JClass ServerViews components that brings professional, dynamic charts and documents from a back-end J2EE application server to the browsers of an entire network of users. JClass Server integrates with all major J2EE compliant application servers, and leverages J2EE standards like Servlets and Java Server Pages (JSP) to ensure maximum enterprise scalability. The JClassViews contains:

JClass ServerChart: Server-Side Charting


A robust and scalable Java component for server-side charting, JClass ServerChart is a pure Java class library that brings interactive charts from a J2EE application server to the browsers of an entire network of users. With a range of chart types and support for rapid updates, JClass ServerChart gives end users real-time access to business-critical data. JClass ServerChart is ideal in environments where you're unsure of client-side configuration or processing power because all code execution occurs on the server.

JClass ServerChart makes use of Servlet and JSP technology, and supports all major Java-compliant application servers. Plus, if your UNIX server runs without an X Server, JClass ServerChart support headless environments.

Chart Types

JClass ServerReport: Server-Side Report Generations


JClass ServerReport is a Java class library that uses J2EE servlet and Java Server Page (JSP) technologies to dynamically produce printable documents in the popular Adobe Page Description Format (PDF). JClass ServerReport brings professional documents from a J2EE application server to the browsers of an entire network of users.

JClass ServerReport has a multitude of built-in options let you develop the layout you want. You can dynamically specify the number of columns, the page size, the layout, the formatting and more. JClass ServerReport can take input using XML and XSL, allowing even greater flexibility in your choice of platform and architecture.

JClass ServerReport is specifically designed for use in application server environments. It is designed to handle many concurrent user requests for reports.